Monday, April 25, 2005

O' How I Weep..poetry by kim

O’ How I Weep...

O’ how I weep for the children as this world continues twirling on its apex.
Why are they the first to lose out?

I weep for the lost innocence of children and their need to grow up so quickly.
Why aren’t they playing more?
Why are they being cared for by a system that underpays and overcrowds the very people whose
hands these lives are in the care of?
Why must they come home to an empty house?
Why oh why is so much demanded of them so soon and so quickly by society, parents, schools?

O’ how I weep for the children from all over the world.
slavery, children having children, living in great poverty, living without parents, living with aging,
grandparents, being unwanted and unclaimed in a world where they supposably are the future.

I weep for the world as it continues to prove beyond comprehension, it’s ultimate displays of studidity -
through power hungary men, control freaks, war, aids, cancer, hunger, slavery,
injustice, famine, homelessness, substance abuse, violence, greed, ignorance,
alzheimer, dementia, patriarchal dominance

I weep for you and for me and those I don’t know.

O’ how I’s difficult to understand and as to why the tears come on suddenly and often.
my tears may trickle, may pour forth, may salt the earth but the one thing they don’t do is stop.

O’ how I weep for those who can’t weep.
their tears are dried up,
their lives are too difficult to comprehend,
there isn’t time for tears when you’re struggling to survive.

O’ how I weep...

Perhpas one day there will be no mre tears, no more crying and no more pain in this world.

O’ how I look toward such sweetness and with tears of joy.