Now here is someone that is a real kick in the pants! That laughter, the love of food, the love of butter, that personality and so much more.
Lately, I've been wishing I could call her Aunt Paula, or Gramma Paula or Cousin Paula and even Paula, my mother. Or even just be my best next door neighbor, Paula! That would suffice.
If only I could be related to her somehow. Now that would just be heaven on earth! I could imagine the countless hours of time I would spend in her kitchen, watching her cook or helping her taste the end results. Or I could just be the slave that helps clean up after her. No matter, I would just love to know and love her like family.
There aren't too many folk in life that I feel that way about but Paula Dean is surely one of them!
I've been thinking about writing her a personal letter just to let her know these very things. But then I get intimidated thinking she already has a HUGE fan club of men and women who desire the very same thing as me. So, what difference would my letter make in her day?
Oh, but to day dream what she would cook or bake is just a heavenly dream.
She just cracks me up with that laughter, her easy-going spirit, that 'motherly' tendecy in her and the fact that she just gets into her cooking, but better yet tasting all that she cooks.
So, as I write this I think of how silly it is to be putting all of this in words but she's just been on my mind and I thought I'd get it all down now or never.
She is one of the quintessential cooks who make cooking more than a chore. She is up there with Julia child's and Jacque Pepin. Okay, Rachel Ray is pretty close to tops too.
Enough of my drooling and star dazing...Paula Dean is equal to Kitty of 'That 70's Show.' in terms of her laughter. Too much!
Oh, Paula Dean where art thou?