Live life without abandon and leave it as a legacy so others will know.
Laugh out loud with many or few but never stop laughing.
Give much of yourself to others close or unknown to you.
Think of others before yourself making others feel they matter.
Know you gave truly selflessly and with all that is with in you.
This is the simplest way to live in this wild and crazy world.
You will be surprised by how enriched your life is and can be when you see and love others before yourself.
With so much that happens to us on so many levels, there needs to be a place of refuge and understanding of who you are and where you are going.
Take another by the hand and walk side by side, not as a leader but a as friend.
Reach deep within and relish the creation of who you are, and be willing to share it with others, when necessary or even when it's not always comfortable.
Vulnerability is a welcoming attribute.
Cherish those you call friends and family. Though they may not necessarily be blood related.
Go on and do those stupid and childish things you've dreamed of and were afraid to do because of what others may of thought of you.
Make a list of things you've yet to do and a see and share it with another. And then find a way to make them happen.
Live with out abandon and see where it takes you.
It couldn't be any worse than this wild and crazy world we are presently living among.
"Baby, Baby, It's a Wild World..."
---------------photo:congo,the artistic chimp(telegraph.co.uk)---------------
My girlfriend, 'E' and I used to sing this song in high school especially when there were tough times and then laugh about it.
Those were the days...