The wisp of the netting contains one in it's sheath, providing protection from the life beyond the threads of the thin cloth.
The native wanderers wait for just the right moment to come forth, entering the present of the night.
The settling of the earth is warm from the day's heat, yet welcomes the cool of the night
The cloudless african sky glitters with the life of the stars beyond, illuminated simply by the light of the moon.
The quiet of the african night lays claim to the souls that have settled in for an evening of sleep, of rest and a stillness unlike the day.
The night lends itself to the rhythm of the very souls breathing, as the dreams in their heads lay simple and pleasant joys wanting and remembered from long ago.
The quiet of the african night freshens the weary souls whose lives find each day more challenging than the next.
In the quiet of the african night, a sense of hope still prevails before the golden sun rises in the East, leaving the calm of sleep in the eyes of one awaking to the light of day.
Hope can remain in the quiet of the african night.
Hope must remain in the quiet of the african night.
But hope must also push through the quiet of the african night, to the rays of the dawning day. So that the very souls have more than sorrow and hopelessness to rise above from.
Hope is present in the quiet of the african night, but may that same hope be present in the light of day, every day. Not just in the night.
painting by mo osmon