Thursday, March 24, 2005

For the love of reading

I don't remember quite when I really 'decided' that I enjoyed reading for readings sake. But I know that I have my mom to thank in that area. She always allowed us to read a half hour in bed before we had to turn out the lights. Since I have had my health problems, this has allowed me the unguilty pleasure of going to the library or to Barnes and Noble's bargain section and picking up books galore!

The list on this blog site is only a smidgeon of what I've read this past year. But I had forgotten to write out my list in the early part of the year, so I can't remember all that have passed through my fingers at this time. But I have enjoyed a wide variety of topics. I definitely am a reader of autobiographies, memoirs and non-fiction. I enjoy some fiction, mostly the classics, but I tend to reach for non-fiction as I like to peer into other's lives and see what has made that author who she or he is.

But I also have been able to explore more books on cultures, history, specific people groups, as well as rereading some of the classics that I haven't picked up in years. Grapes of Wrath just won me over once again. Steinbeck's writing just evokes an inner light that melts with my heart strings. I just finished Animal Farm last night. I had not read it since high school and reread it with new and experienced eyes and mind. That was a great and quick read. If you haven't picked up the book, Blindness, by Jose Saragamo you are missing out. He is a Nobel Prize author and I can see why. In truth, I thought the book was bit hard to read initially, as I had to be sure to catch all the characters, nuances, and literary language. But it didn't take long for me to appreciate the magnitude of the book and the essence of it's meaning. This is one book that I read very slowly so that I could really savor all that was being written.

Schindler's List is one I had yet to read but I am so glad I did. The movie was great don't get me wrong, but reading word for word the heartbreak, the pain, the stigma, the corruption, the incomprehensible era of our times just doesn't get any better. The literary journey is just a gift for me. I love being invoked, evoked, provoked and filled with the words of other's minds, lives, experiences and personalities.

My next book, now that I've just finished Anne Lamott's newest release, Plan B Further Thoughts on Faith, is Jose Saragamo's Journey to Portugal. Anne Lamott is a must read author. I really enjoy her humor, her authenticity and style of writing. Her new book can be found at Barnes and Noble for 30% off the retail price plus % 10 more if you're a member of B&N. Pick it up today!

So, what have you read lately or in the past? Anything that you would recommend? I would love to know. I am so excited. I have a handful of books that I picked up for a dollar each, somewhere and soon look forward to being captivated by each of them.

If you look on this sight where and click on Nobel Prize-it will take you to their sight for some educational information, as well as NP authors. There you can find who they are and what they have written, and pick up one of their books for your reading pleasure. Enjoy!

May you find the joy of reading in whatever form. Just be sure to keep reading to help stimulate the mind and gain new literary experiences.



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