Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Allowing Kids to be Kids: photo by kim

Posted by: kimthanh

As I've mentioned in a previous post, i am truly blessed to have so many nieces and nephews who call me aunt. Some of these kids are those whose parents I am extremely close with. Oh what fun it is for me to have this kind of relationship.

I know many granparents often say they wish they could have always been grandparents because you love 'em, spoil 'em and then hand them back. My role is also very much that way. Although I'd rather not give them back but keep them for myself. But unfortunately, parents want their kids back. I don't get it.

But one role I do appreciate that my friends and families allow me is to get to love and play with them as I wish. I'd say I'm a great influence in many aspects. First off, I know boundaries, I know how to speak with them firmly, I know how to discipline with love, and I know definitely how to have a wild and fun time!

There is always laughter, more noise and more silliness brought out in those kids when I'm around then under normal circumstances. Most of my friends are amazed and thankful for the peace and quiet when I leave. But I say, all the more for me next time! I haven't forgotten to include my husband, Michael, because he is just about as silly as I am when it comes to the kids, I guess he is just a wee bit more respectful of the parents than I perhapas am. I don't worry about getting into trouble. hehe!

I must say, when it comes to kids and restaurants, I pretty much try to obey the behavior rule, but once in awhile you just have to let kids be kids and watch the creativity unfold. Such as this photo. J and S were simply enjoying their time together and then I brought out the birthday party goodies, and then the creativity began. I was so proud of them!

I was laughing my head off at them, and I noted that others in the restaurant were too. It was a good thing the folks were very patient and enjoying the creativity and laughter of these kids. Of course, so was I.

The mom's were just smiling at me and wondering how it got that far. But I took full credit and the blame. I've always felt that life is way too short to not let the fun just happen and particularly now, as I am getting older, I especially believe that. In this day and age, kids are growing up way too fast as it is and responsible for far too much, and going, going far too much that they just don't have enough time to play, play out those things that make up being a child and the creativity that comes with their developing minds and spirits.

I am proud to be the one that can bring those things out in them and encourage it. I love every child that comes through my life, whether a sibling's, a friend's or just one i observe playing, in trying to figure out their world around them. What a joy it is to watch, observe, and breathe in. Children are the future on every continent, in every city, in every part of the word.

I pray that every child in this world could know the love, the freedom, the security and the endless possibilities for their lives. And that despite physical, spiritual or political lines holding them back, that they would be able to find the strength within to break through those barriers and become who they were made to be, in all of their glory. And if they are unable to find the strenght or the power within, that perhaps someone would be willing to give them a hand up and a better life.

It took one man's heart, one families courage to say yes, to adopt me and to take risks in loving, taking care of me, and taking a chance on me so that I could become the person I was/am made to be. It wasn't always easy but it could have been a hell of a lot worse for me if they had not come to my rescue. For this I am truly grateful.

If you are willing to love, adopt or care for a child of any age, I pray that you would greatly consider it and follow your heart.

Your life and the child's life will ever be so much richer in all respects.



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