Sunday, August 07, 2005

Scattered Brain

Do you ever feel like you live in another world, outside of your own head?

Getting older is causing me to be a slower thinker, forgetful, difficult remembering little and big things and details of stories, and realizing it will only get worse from here on out.

I'm not bitter, I'm just saying... :-)

Michael and I have had some great laughs of late, as we have both tried to recount a situation we were both in and realized we had no idea where, when or with whom. It was pretty hilarious. We decided the older we get the better off we will be because neither of us will remember the same detail of the story nor will even be talking about the same story when mentioned to others. Meaning he may be talking about chicken which he ate with our friend, Don and I will be thinking about chicken that we had in New York. So, we determined we will not be like many older couples, or even young couples, who interject or argue about the details of the story being told. We will just be so agreeable and but with a different story in each of our minds.

Getting older with Michael will be fun for sure!

We have both been scattered brain as of late due to much going on in our lives and thinking of our future.

It's enough to make one almost lose ones' mind, really.

I kind of feel like the kid of Johnny Depps' Willie Wonka when he would say, "MUMBLER! I can't understand a word you're staying, heh!"

No one will be able to understand me as I get older... Oh my!

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