This letter that Mother Teresa wrote was to President George Bush and Saddam Hussein in the hopes of dissuading them from going to war. Obviously, her letter didn't have the desired affect.
"I write to you with tears in my eyes and with the love of God in my heart, to beg you on behalf of the poor and on behalf of those who will end up being poor in the event that the war which threatens us is unchained.
I beg you with all my heart that you spare no efforts in favor of the peace of God and to reconcile yourselves with one another.
Each one of you has concerns enough and citizens enough to keep you busy, but first begin by hearing the One who came to the world to teach us peace.
You have the capacity and force to destroy the presence and image of God, in his men, in his women, and in his children.
Listen, please, to the voice of God.
God has created us to love each other with his love and not to destroy ourselves with our hates."
This letter was taken from Mother Teresa - Her Life, Her Work, Her Message - A Memoir by Jose Gonzalez-Balado
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