Friday, September 09, 2005

"There is Always Tomorrow"

I'm feeling like the Grinch this morning. Not because I hate christmas, actually just the opposite. Or could my feelings be more of Oscar the Grouch? Hmmm.... Perhaps. Anyways, I know we have these sayings through out our language about how tomorrow will be a better day or there is always a tomorrow or the sun will come out tomorrow or why isn't tomorrow here today dag nag it!

It's these polite little jingles, sayings and annoyances that make you wonder if people really believe this kind of crap. Ugh, I've even found mysefl saying it a few times. But tomorrow is here today and today I still feel like crap from yesterday, though I was hoping to feel better since tomorrow was coming to bring sun out and today would be a better day than yesterday though today is not fairing any better than yesterday yet tomorrow is just another day and that there is always tomorrow to feel better though you hate feeling crappy today so you only wish for tomorrow to get here so the sun would come out to lighten up the sorrows of today but will not be until tomorrow that it will happen, which is still another day away. DANG! This life is just too damn complicated for this very simplistic being.

I hate carrying over these down feelings from the day before. It's just festering in me and I need to get it out but it is dependant on another unfortunately.

So, in the meantime, I will just smile and sing and shout and hope the sun will come out tomorrow, and that tomorrow will be another day and that tomorrow will also be a better day than today or yesterday. It's just gotta. EESH!

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