Saturday, September 17, 2005

Will It Never End?

Posted by: kimthanh

This image is so powerful and yet the reality of HIV/AIDS.

How many years will it take for it to finally just be another part of history, and there to be no more suffering and deaths of children, mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles?

Oh I wish I knew...

But I know I can't just sit idly by and let it happen without some form of action from myself.

I don't want to look back on my life and see that there were things that I could have done to help alleviate pain and suffering of others, but I felt just too much guilt and too much responsibility that it immobilized me to take any form of action.

I wish never to be thought of that way. Nor go to my death under the notion that I could have tried to do something, though it may not have saved the world, but if I could have held the life of one dying, comforted the parent of the child dying or cared for the children whose parent is dying or even fed a cup of water to a thirsty and dehydrated person, that would suffice for me the only need of existence of my life. I would have to be kidding myself if I said that I wished I had done more to 'save' a whole nation, an entire village, a group of children, but as I live my life today, I only need to know that I more than striving to do something, I am literally getting my hands dirty in some tangible way that is one on one with another in need.

Let not this image continue to be the future representation of these nations in need. Let there be restoration in these lives so that the future of these countries can and will prosper with integrity.

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