I have had much time to think about what it is I truly want to do with my life and what possibilities are out there for me to do and take on.
It is with great urgency and my heart's cry that I not work with just one village or one country but to be able to fully understand the impact of the world's children in all reaches of our vast land.
I realize that there are so many of these children that I so desire to meet face to face and to find a way to say, you will be okay, somehow.
There are millions upon millions of refugee children and their families in Afghanistan, in Pakistan, in Cambodia, in India, in Africa, in Haiti, in Columbia, etc and all of these children either have their families or they are alone in a refugee camp, hoping one day to find their parents and rest of families. More often then not, much of these refugees have to move from one camp to another, with miles upon miles between each camp. Not only with out food, water or supplies, but the terrible danger of being killed, raped or bought into slavery. Or worse, taken their identification paperwork, that they had received at the last refugee camp. Without these papers, they can not prove who they are and where they came from. This is worse than being in a refugee camp. Because you are left to fend for yourself and prone to being prey to the Taliban, the paramilitary or the Bandistas or simply death's door called survival.
But in the end, it's all about the children, as they are the future of our nations, whom we are neighbors with, whether we like it or not. And because of the pandemic of the world's conditions from drought, war, to starvation, to HIV/AIDS and threatening diseases, these children need the help of all nations so that we can help them out of their dire conditions. So they can be the rulers and the movers and shakers of the next generation, and in hopes that it will be a better world than they have come to know.
I am not interested in just one village or country as I've stated but to be in the middle of seeing all children receive what they need in order to survive their current and future conditions.
This is my life's challenge and I will continue to seek out ways to be in the middle of it all.
There is no reason for me to live this comfortable life when others struggle for just the basic necessities of life.
I've lived, I've enjoyed and now it is time to give back all that I've been gifted so as not to live my life in vain.
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