I love food and I really enjoy taking photos of what I'm about to eat or making. It helps me to remember what I may have eaten and where.
Also, I'm afraid, as I get older, that I'll forget the foods I have eaten. And since food is so essential to my life, well, I'd rather not forget if I can help it.
Michael thinks it funny to photograph our dishes but he puts up with my antics.
Lucky for me!
I will never stop telling you that you need to put together a portfolio and put yourself out there for local jobs. Your photos are so amazing!
Matt did that out here in Jersey and he has already been hired by two different people/companies. Drew Univ. is one of them. The pay is sweet... about $35-60 an hour.. Can't beat that!
Also, I'm coming over for dinner tonight... Yummy!
Wow! Thanks for encouragment and the testament. I think I will have to just find a way to do this...
And by the way... PLEASE DO come over for a meal or two or more...
Would love to cook for you two.
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