I'm Snotty. No, really. I am.
This cold that I caught either from my hubby or another has decided to attack me at night, while I'm trying to rest my weary bod. Oh, but this cold has a mind of its own and I've found myself talking to 'the cold' as if it were a human being. Yikes! I think the hallucination has really set in this time around.
I keep telling 'the cold' to stop making my eyes water so much, to stop making me hack up both my lungs, to stop making me drool on the pillow, waking me up, because I can't breathe from my nose. Or is it my nose drooling? I'm really not sure...
'The cold' has spoken saying, 'it's not ready for it to leave this warm haven it has found in me'. I respond by yelling, 'get out now! I don't want you in or around me. Get out AND STAY OUT!'. But 'the cold' just sticks its tongue out at me and laughs a very hardy laugh. I cover my ears and try to sniffle the pounds of snot stuck in my nasal passages. Ugh!
If only I could blast the head off 'this cold' being that enjoys taunting and toying with me to no end.
Well, hopefully I will have the strength and the antibodies to help me destroy this bugger! Not hopefully but I WILL, and with my army of antibodies, we WILL destroy this 'cold attacker'!!!
Just when it least expects it... Aha!
Drink lots of Green Tea. I just got over a little soar throat/cold thing and thats what really helped me.
Hey M,
Thanks for the tip.
Glad to hear you were able to attack your killer cold gone.
I love the cough picture... isn't that just how it feels?
Get better!
ok kim, did you get me sick.. i didn't know cyber visits could be contageous!
Well, I didn't realize cyber germs were possible, but you may just now be the guinea pig for this new finding.
Hopefully you will feel better VERY soon.
Sorry, I had no idea...cough, cough.
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