Friday, December 16, 2005

The Mind Just Keeps Running...

Another night of little sleep and this time I am all over the board with my thoughts. I'm thinking about all of the house cleaning I need to do before tomorrow night, with company coming over for dinner. Helping Michael's gramma with her Christmas decorations, to taking photos of some of the homeless folks in town so I can have a photo and a name to think about and pray for.

Then I'm thinking about how to meet up with some old friends. Also, sending a Christmas card to my old childhood pen pal from Greece. Wondering if the address I last had would still get to her? And hoping it would. I also am planning on sending a letter to the family from India to whom I sent a box for Operation Christmas Child (thru Samaritan's Purse). They were so wonderful in writing me back the last time that I have felt guilty that I had not returned the favor. They sound like such faithful people with two wonderful kids. I know they will be excited to get my letter. I will also include a photo of us once again.

Then there are the thoughts of what else can we do to fix up our house, to feel more comfortable, homey and more inviting. I mentioned to Michael about painting the bathroom with the non-mildewing paint that our friend P. used in her bathroom. It seems to be doing a fantastic job so far. It's been quite awhile since she had it painted. Doing that would help get a fresh coat of paint in the bathroom.

There is also the thought of what is next for 2006. I'm sure very exciting things. First off, we've started on the Foster-Adoption road so that is in the works. We are looking to take a trip to Africa and/or Vietnam this coming year, do some camping in Tahoe.

I hope to do much more cooking in 2006 and learn some new and interesting recipes. I look to the new books that I will find and devour from the library in the new year.

But mostly I think the greatest accomplishment for me would be to touch the lives of those who have so little, are in need, are hurting, are ill, are in want, are broken in some form or another. Whether it be a child here in the US, in Africa, in Vietnam or elsewhere. And or receiving such joy from whatever comes my way and that helps me to continue to be grounded and selfless in all that I am and all that I do.


Grace said...

Oh Kim. I love the foster-adoption idea! Good for you too!

Grace said...

"two" that is.