Monday, December 12, 2005

New and Old Acquaintances...

I am in the middle of addressing and mailing out our Christmas cards for this year. We have not been consistent in sending out cards in the past. But since having been ill the last few years, it has given me the availability to do this. And particularly this year, I have been thinking about all of those folks that I have neglected to contact and or keep in touch with a few months out of a year. Really, it's not asking too much, and I realize that yes, we all are busy and have very busy lives, but in the short of it all remaining in touch should be a priority in life.

So, I have committed myself to staying in touch with folks in some form or another. Besides, I am a believer of growing old with one another. And I might add that I have failed miserably with some folks in that idea. And they even called me on it. Yikes!
To grow old and just live life with one another is really a sweet thing and I have many folks that can attest in that arena.

I guess, just thinking about all those folks in and through my life just makes it sweeter because of who each of them are and what they bring to the relationship and how much richer my life is because of them.

I must say that I've been quite naive in the past, thinking that I would always have a lot of friends and they/we would always keep in touch and grow old together. Growing older, has thankfully wizened me up just a little bit. I've also realized not every one will take the initiative to call, write or phone and so I would have to be willing to do that if I wanted some kind of contact with folks. Unfortunately, life goes on and people move on, but I relish the idea of reconnecting with those I have lost contact with. So far it's been wonderful and nostalgic reconnecting.

So, here is to a new and many years of reconnecting and establishing old and new relationships. I'm looking forward to this process and sharing in the lives of so many.

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