Wednesday, March 30, 2005

The talking wind: poetry by kim

Speak to me of my life•
Make it so I can understand•
Whisper the love that has embraced me•
Whisper the kindness of this one's sweetness•

Speak to me of my life•
Make it plain for me to see•
Show me visually where I have done wrong•
Show me visually how I may make it right•

Speak to me of my life•
Make it so that I can hear•
Sing to me the grace that I may grasp•
Sing to me the grace that I need and must extend•

Speak to me of my life•
Make it difficult or make it easy•

Speak to me of my life•
Make it so that I will always show love in the most possible ways•

Speak to me of my life•
Make me embrace the one that I am and grow in understanding to the one I will become•

Oh, you the spirit that takes shape as the wind•
Blow through this complicated being and cleanse me within•

Oh, you the spirit that takes shape as the wind•
Come sweep your loving and feather-soft hands across my furrowed brow•
Soften the wrinkles that show of my concerns in life•

Come swish your gentle body through this fragment of a figure so that it may be ready•
Ready to take in the love of others, the pain of others, tears of children, the loss of memory of old age, the broken hearted, the homeless wanderer, the rapist, the victim, the abandoned, the one in the darkness of their soul•

Blow through me so that I am no longer entrapped by my selfishness •
Blow me out so that I too may become like the spirit who takes shape as the wind •
So that I may bring peace to others, extend grace to others, to endure and love others, to help others in their very moment of need and most of all make time for others at all possible moments•

How quickly life can leave us and sometimes without a moment to say goodbye•
Oh, spirit that takes shape as the wind•
Please speak for me when I am gone so others will know I have loved, I have enjoyed, I have laughed, I have thought of them•

Oh, spirit you are marvelous in all your ways: through the wind, through my dreams, through my words, through my eyes, through my heart and most of all through my life•

Oh, spirit you have given me a wonderful and marvelous life•
I shall cherish it to the end•

Oh, spirit draw near and close to Michael always•
I whisper to him of my love in moments of despair, in moments we shared•
But when my time has come I know he will be in great pain•

Oh, spirit speak to his heart, his mind and comfort him of my love for him, forever more•
Blow your spirit through him of who we were together and what he will become•
I know you make me arise so that others will know that I have lived and loved in and through them•



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