Saturday, October 15, 2005


I'm awake and thinking about my nephew who struggles with deep depression. I am saddened. I can only imagine what his parents and sister are going through. Perhaps his sister doesn't really know how to deal with this, as she is only in junior high. But then maybe she does. I'd like to think she is handling it okay but something tells me she is not and is not able to vocalize her fears her thoughts or her ability to really comprehend what this disease is like for her brother. And what it means for her, and her parents. To live with a family member who has depression is one thing, but to truly understand it in all contexts seems quite another.

I know my nephew is hanging in there as he is on meds, seeing a counselor and has the incredible support of his family. For this I am extremely thankful. But he has also allowed me into his head, his heart and his darkness through his writing. It is not so dark to me, as I can relate to what some of his writings are expressing. But there are deeper writings that suggest such a place that no one else can even go without having this disease.

Having been in Student Ministry at Chico State, I was able to have first hand experience with much of this dark side with several students of mine, who struggled greatly with the darkside of life. But with a lot of help, meds, counseling and unconditional support, they both have come through much of this darkness. But unfortunately, it is a disease that is lifelong and easily resurfaces before one has had a chance to get a grip on it once again.

So, I pray for the longevity of this disease with my nephew and pray for stability for as long as possible. Hoping to not crawl to the other side where the demons truly call one's name.

I pray for all who struggle with depression whether in the form of clinical, bipolar or deep depression, that each one may have the help they need and the support necessary to get through each of these dark times.

To my nephew...I know you can pull through this...And I will continue to support you no matter where you are.

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