Saturday, August 13, 2005

A Good Winker: photo by kim

Posted by: kimthanh

Big D was showing me how good a winker he was and wanted me to take a photo of it.

It's been so much fun to see Big D growing up and showing me and the rest of our family all of his little and big antics, his amazing talents, his sweetness and his sharp little mind.

But now if only we could get him to actually sleep come naptime like Little D, his brother.

But I think he's always got too much going on in his mind to settle in for sleep time. I think he'd rather be talking incessantly, asking his curious questions and giving his advice in the little life he has lived so far.

I so love ALL of my nieces and nephews. They certainly make my world a lot whole more interesting and wonderful!

Love This Photo: self portrait

Posted by: kimthanh

This picture was taken just before Michael and I were to head back home to Chico and the 8 hr drive.

I love these kinds of pictures, impromptru and just plain fun.

We always have fun with Dustin and Cara whenever we get together. They are just interesting, caring, funny and creative folks we call close friends.

So, to capture a moment in time is a splendid thing in life.

Portland or bust!

The One and Only Voodoo Donuts: photo by kim

Posted by: kimthanh

When Michael and I went to Portland for the first time, we had been told about The infamous Voodoo Donuts. We had been told in detail about all of their varied topped and shaped donuts. Sounded like somewhere I needed to see for myself. But that trip didn't allow for a visit there.

But this second trip, we did make it! Not that we really were hungry for one, after the amazing Orange Tofu dinner we had at John and Katies, just hours before. But since it was a place to at least experience, those new to Portland, we decided to venture on downtown and enjoy ourselves a bit of Portland history.

The picture says it all that we enjoyed ourselves. They even had vegan donuts. Go figure...

I won't take the fun out of experiencing the Voodoo Donuts, so I will just end here.

But when in Portland, take a visit to the Voodoo Donuts, and go at night. It just seems to add to the overall experience, as well as the lines that will be out the door and down the block.