Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Wind, Rain, Storm...poem by kim

Wind, whistle away, whistle away, say the swaying trees. We bend, we dance, we stir with passion for the coming rains.

You, wind are the drums that keep the rhythm of the storms to be.

Rain, come down, come down, says the ground below. We await the quenching of our thirst for you, and for the nutrients you provide so abundantly.

You, rain are the pounding of feet dancing around a ring of fire.

Clouds full of moisture, you are the towers that spring forth the water from your silos.

Thunder and lightening, you are the friends who are the life of the storm. You bring excitement, fear, and a beautiful show that can be seen and heard from miles away.

I'm in awe of how all of these instruments come together to create beautiful music from time to time.

I never tire of their company nor of the rich and beautiful gifts in which they each bring with them.

How lucky am I to enjoy the show and applaud the creator who provides the stage for such a production.

Women Thou Art Worthy Beyond...poem by kim

Women thou art worthy beyond the very words of man.

Your beauty is greater and deeper and more precious than what the eye can behold.

In jesus you are free from the coverings, the masks, the burqas that enclose your framed body, your existence.

The men of the world have been taught evil, have been given examples that are not worthy of women's attention.

Women thou art more beautiful in spirit and in worth than the sun which rises each day.

Women you have been misfed horrendous information and given examples by which men have been force-fed themselves.

It is not completely their fault. It is also the work of the devil.

But this excuses no one of their behavior, never-the-less their way of thinking, without given the freedom of choice, in which jesus did that very thing.

Women thou art smarter than you give credit of yourselves.

Women you must trust yourselves, your hearts, your inner voice that reminds you of who you truly are and not what others make of you.

The men of this world will be just that...Men of this world.

As they know nothing else...Or rather choose to know nothing else.

Remember the work of the devil is prevalent in the minds of men.

Their thoughts and eyes have been tainted with lust, with open beauty, with pornography of every kind.

Who can blame them for their actions, but themselves.

But unfortunately, who is the one that must be restricted of one's behavior, one's god-given physical frame, covered from head to toe of any existence at all.


Women thou art worthy beyond the days of end and the stars that light the night like a candle lit in a darkened room.

Your beauty shall always stand firm in jesus but let no other man take from you the person that you are made to be.


Oh, women you are given permission to take off those head coverings, the masked facade, the heavily weighted burqa that allows no room for personal contact nor personal existence.

Be free to exist under jesus with all the powers that has been given, and all the freedom that you could ever know.

Be not like men and do as they have done to another, to you.

Take the higher road and meet jesus and all those whom he has placed in your path. who acknowledge you as a being, a beauty, filled with thoughts and feelings and great intelligence.

Be not like men and women who choose the lower road of no integrity and real spirit nor power to encourage and lift one's fellow being.

Women thou art worthy and greater beyond...Words.